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Opening Comments by Mayor Peter J. Malouf - Regular Meeting of Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Opening Comments by Mayor Peter J. Malouf - Regular Meeting of Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Here is Mayor Peter J. Malouf's opening comments at the September 17, 2024, regular meeting of the Town Council. It has been adapted for the Web.

Note: The full recording of the meeting is available on the Town's Youtube Channel.

"Good evening everyone, and thank you for joining us on this long summer's evening.

As has become my custom, I'd like to give you a brief overview of the issues that have kept us busy over the past few weeks.


We are continuing our studies on the issue and undertaking various discussions with consultants and external partners. I'd like to remind you that we're holding an information evening on the subject this Thursday at 19:00, in which our technical team and our external expert will be taking part.

The actions to be taken to protect you will be explained, as well as those already taken by the city and those to come.

I look forward to seeing you on Thursday September 19th, whether in person or online through our webcast. I believe that the evening will be extremely informative and helpful to residents to assuage their concerns.


Vegetation control work is planned on our territory this year and in 2025. Information and an interactive map are available here.


Many of you are talking about bike paths and bike plans. Elected representatives were given a presentation by our technical services on a cycling plan for the Town, to link up with neighboring cycle paths and improve service on our territory. This involves setting up some dedicated lanes and others as shared lanes. We are continuing our efforts to put in place a plan that meets everyone's expectations and needs, and some concrete actions should be in place by 2025.


Council members recently met with administration to discuss the review of several by-law articles. Amendments are required to clarify certain points and better meet today's needs.

One of the main points discussed has been protection of trees and ensure sufficient non permeable surfaces on private property. The by-law changes are planned for adoption in the coming months.


An afternoon of exchange on the REM project was held last week. REM representatives presented the next steps and actions concerning noise; these involve tests in the Ile Bigras/Ste Dorothée sector to simulate the situation in Mont-Royal, since tests in our section are not possible due to unfinished work in the tunnel.

Around 70 people were present during the afternoon. It's worth noting that The town is continuing with its project to plant trees along the railroad line. We're also looking at how to combine this project with actions to reduce the amount of storm water.

Various Notes :

  • Work on Graham East and West both started at same time, and we we’re advised it all should be completed within 3 weeks.
  • REM Demobilization – They are currently repairing sidewalks, roadways and planting and should be finished and open by early November
  • Dale Park – Waiting for New sign to officially cut the ribbon.
  • QSC – Our technical team and consultants are still working on the detailed PFT and we have 4 potential developers for the project. As more relevant information is available, we will be getting back to you.

Thank you once again for spending your evening with us.

I look forward to seeing many of you on Thursday evening."