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Opening Comments by Mayor Peter J. Malouf - Regular Meeting of Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Opening Comments by Mayor Peter J. Malouf - Regular Meeting of Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Here is Mayor Peter J. Malouf's opening comments at the October 22, 2024, regular meeting of the Town Council. It has been adapted for the Web.

Note: The full recording of the meeting is available on the Town's Youtube Channel.

"Good evening everyone, thank you for joining us this evening whether in person or virtually.

I'll start right away with my summary of recent files that have kept us busy.

Flooding/Climate change

Our teams are continuing to work with our consultant, exchanging ideas with their colleagues and studying and exploring the various options that could be put in place to reduce the impact of torrential rains resulting from climate change.

New sports and community centre

The request for proposals is being sent to the 4 qualified consortiums this week. We are confident in their ability to submit quality projects and expect to see construction start in the first months of 2025.

Services to residents at 10/20 Roosevelt

Air quality problems at 10/20 Roosevelt are currently forcing us to relocate certain employees, thus affecting direct service to residents. Employees are still on duty, but we ask you to call before coming to the urban planning or public safety counter.


We are currently preparing our budget for 2025. We have already had meetings with the administration and will continue to do so in the coming weeks. It's a long and rigorous process, but we're confident we'll be able to present a budget that meets residents' expectations while respecting their ability to pay.

The PTI is scheduled for acceptance in November, and the operations and taxation budget in December, at a special meeting on December 10th.

Town Center

After several years, we're finally getting our town center back, with the REM having demobilized, the reopening of Canora and restoring two-way traffic on Laird in the next 2 weeks.

This will reduce traffic in front of St-Clement Academy and help redistribute traffic onto more appropriate streets.

The traffic lights still need adjustment to ensure better fluidity, and REM consultants are working on this. In the meantime, the lights will be set to flashing.

Gala Alpha

I'm proud to announce the 2 VMR winners at last week's St-Laurent Mont-Royal Chamber of Commerce Alpha Gala: Dura Undercushion and Clinique d'anésthésie AGM. The contribution of these companies to the economy and the community is to be commended, and we're delighted to see them stand out in their respective fields.

Happy Halloween, watch out for the young children on the road."