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Services Residents Residual Materials Collection for Residents

Residual Materials Collection for Residents

The information below targets residents. Businesses have their own page regarding residual materials.

Household garbage, recyclable materials, kitchen waste and yard waste: the Town offers you a multitude of residual material collections. Get the dates right: consult our calendar. Let’s all pitch in to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill sites!

Form: Contact Us

Claims - Container for Household Waste

The Town cannot be held responsible for theft or breakage of your garbage collection containers. 

The claim will be handled by the garbage collection company. The latter will decide what compensation may be obtained.

Fill out the claim form

Repairs, Replacements or New Bin Requests

Blue Bins

To repair, replace or request a new blue wheeled bin, make sure you complete the form below. The service is provided by USD Global, a subcontractor of Éco-entreprise Québec, the organization responsible for recovery, and usually takes place on Thursdays. A confirmation will be sent to you by text message.

Form: Blue recycling bin

Brown and Green Bins

To repair, replace or request a new green or brown wheeled bin, please fill in the form below. Service will be continuous, not on a set day. An employee will contact you after submitting your form with instructions and an appointment.

Form for Repair, Replacement or Request for wheeled bins

Other Forms

Request a collection of branchesReport a missed collection*

* Beginning at 17:00 on the day of collection.
N.B.  BLUE RECYCLING BINS : Since the new procedures implemented for the mechanized collection of blue recycling bins, there are no more repeat collections of blue recycling bins during the same week for a missed collection. Please place your blue bin out for collection the following week, according to the regular collection schedule.  Thank you for your understanding. 

All you need to know

Collection calendar

Would you like to know on which day the garbage collectors come? Please check the calendar below.

View full-screen calendar

Bins: A User’s Guide

How to place your bins for pick-up?

  • Put out your bins after 19:00 on the evening before collection day or before 7:00 on collection day.
  • Place your full or partially filled bins in your driveway 15 to 30 cm (6 to 12 in.) behind the property line. Leave at least 30 cm (12 in.) between the bins.
  • Make sure no vehicle or other object can interfere with the mechanical lifting of the bins.
  • Make sure the lids are tightly closed and free of debris.
  • All bins must be put away by 23:00 on collection day.

Bins that are improperly positioned, too heavy or hard to handle will not be picked up. Also, bins and all other types of containers are prohibited on public roads.

Identifying your bins

Write your address on the white strips under the bin’s serial number. Write down the bin serial number for your own records. As the blue, green and brown bins are Town property, they must remain at the address to which they were delivered.

What to do if your bin isn’t emptied

If none of the bins on your street have been emptied and it is past 18:00, please leave the bin in the designated spot for the collection and call the Info Collection line at 514 734-4123. The contractor hired by the Town will complete the collection as soon as possible.

If your bin appears to be the only one that has not been emptied, put it away and wait for the next collection. If the problem occurs again, please call the Info Collection line at 514 734-4123

Online form to report a collection oversight

What to do if your bin is damaged?

Before December 20, 2024

To report a damaged bin, use the appropriate online form:

Blue Bins

Form: Blue recycling bin

Green or Brown Bins

Form for Repair, Replacement or Request for wheeled bins

Household, Kitchen Waste and Recycling


  • Buildings with 7 or fewer units: Wednesdays
  • Buildings with 8 or more units: Tuesdays and Fridays

Type of container allowed:

     - Maximum volume: 0.10 m3 (100 L)

     - Maximum weight: 25 kg

     - Leak-proof

     - In a colour different from the colours of the bins provided by the Town (blue, green and brown)

     - 120, 240 or 360-litre rollout bins (bins must be square and mechanically liftable)

     - Large garbage bags (black or green)

Bins with an american grip are not picked upmechanically. In fact, 360-litre bins without the recommended European fixture will not be picked up manually either. 

The Town recommends the purchase of a black, 360-litre rollout bin with a European grip, also known as "standard".


120, 240 or 360-litre blue bin

  • Wednesdays

The mechanization of blue bin collection will lead to important changes in the procedure for positioning your bin.

As of June 5, 2024, Éco Entreprises Québec will be in charge of managing recycling collection (blue bin) for all municipalities, including TMR. Collection will now be mechanized on most streets, which will entail certain changes in the procedure for ensuring that your blue bin is collected.


Given that collection will be mechanized, as of June 5, you'll need to keep at least 30 cm (1 ft.) of clearance around each bin;  

Nothing may be left next to your bin; everything must be inside it. Recyclables left on the ground will not be picked up.


  • Roll-out bins must be placed after 19:00 on the evening before pick-up, but before 7:00 on collection days.
  • Always place the bin in the driveway between 15 and 30 cm. (6 and 12 in.) from the edge of the sidewalk (essential for snow clearing operations).
  • The front of the bin must face the street so that the collection-type symbols are clearly visible.
  • The various bins must be placed side by side. 
  • Allow clearance of at least 30 cm (1 ft) around each bin;
  • Make sure that no vehicle or other object can interfere with the mechanical lifting of the bin.
  • The bin lid must be tightly closed and free of all debris.
  • Do not place the bins directly on the sidewalk.
  • Improperly placed blue bins will not be picked up.

IMPORTANT:Since the new procedures implemented for the mechanized collection of blue recycling bins, there are no more repeat collections of blue recycling bins during the same week for a missed collection. Please place your blue recycling bin the following week for regular collection. 

N.B. These changes to the procedure for the mechanized collection do not apply to the selective collection of multi-dwelling and commercial buildings.

See the Notice to Residents.


Green or brown bin*

*Only one bin, green or brown, will be picked up. We suggest you use the green bin. Residents not in the kitchen waste collection zone can place their kitchen waste in their green bin during this period.
  • Wednesdays

See our instruction folder for the steps to follow, the materials accepted and excluded along with the list of retailers that sell cellulose-lined bags.

Plastic bags, even those identified as compostable or biodegradable, are not eligible for our collection. Only paper bags are allowed, but note that the use of a bag is not mandatory.

Learn how to make an economical liner for your countertop bin from a sheet of newspaper.

Yard Trimmings and Fallen Leaves


Green bin*

  • Wednesdays
*For residents in the kitchen waste collection zone, please note that only one bin, green or brown, will be picked up. We suggest you use the green bin. 


Green bin*, compostable paper bags or piled near the sidewalk.

  • Fall season only
*For residents in the kitchen waste collection zone, please note that only one bin, green or brown, will be picked up. We suggest you use the green bin. 


  • Second week of January

Place your natural Christmas tree at the end of your driveway during the second week of January.

Bulky Items and Refrigerators


  • Every two weeks, on Wednesdays 

Volumetric maximum of 5 cubic meters per address (By-Law 1358). 

Be sure to place your items at the curb before 7:00 on your collection day. Refer to our calendar for collection days.

Accepted items

  - Furniture

  - Non-refrigerant appliances

  - Decorative furniture

  - CRD (construction, renovation, demolition) materials in small quantities and securely tied into small bundles or placed in solid bags

Refused items

  - Household hazardous waste

  - Information technology and communication devices (televisions, computers, etc.)

  - Medical waste

  - Bulk materials of any type 

Refused items may be disposed free of charge at the Écocentre (6925 Côte-des-Neiges Road).

More information on the Écocentre


Household refrigerators and air conditioners are picked up separately in order to collect their halocarbons. For safety reasons, please remove the door or cover before setting the item out for pick-up. Contact the Public Works Division at 514 734-2999 to arrange for pick-up. This free service is available year-round.

Branches Collection

Tree and shrub branches under 15 cm (6 in.) In diameter and in small quantities

Thursdays from the beginning of April through the end of September. Fill out the online form below, before Wednesday at noon.

Place the branches in an orderly pile with the cut ends facing the street after 19:00 on the evening before collection day or before 7:00 on collection day.

Only branches that meet the following conditions will be picked up free of charge:

  - Branches between 2.5 cm (1 in.) and 15 cm (6 in.) in diameter

  - The quantity is limited to five 2.5 m (8 ft.) long branches or a volume of branches equivalent to 60 cm (2 ft.) by 2.5 m (8 ft.).

Outside of the period spanning from early April through late September, in reasonable quantity, small branches can be added to the yard trimmings or kitchen waste collection bins.

Branches Collection Request

Tree and shrub branches over 15 cm (6 in.) in diameter and in large quantities

Oversized branches and large numbers of branches are not picked up by the Town, and neither are roots, stumps or tree trunks. To get rid of them, property owners must contract the services of a private company at their own expense.

Collection Points for Other Items

Some items can be taken to one of the alternative network collection points free of charge. See the Household Waste Disposal Guide for a list of accepted items and where to take them.

Household hazardous waste (hhw)

Take your HHW to the Côte-des-Neiges Écocentre, located at 6925 Côte-des-Neiges Road. 

Information: 514 277-3537.

The following products are accepted: paints, solvents, paint removers, lacquers, varnishes, drugs, pesticides, disinfectants, insecticides, herbicides, chemical products, oils (including cooking oils), smoke detectors and batteries.

Used clothing and cloth and leather items are also accepted. 

Batteries, ink cartridges and used cellphones

Receptacles for batteries, ink cartridges and used cellphones will be found at the following addresses:

  • 10 Roosevelt Avenue (Public Security)
  • 180 Clyde Road (Public Works)
  • 1050 Dunkirk Road (municipal arena)
  • 1967 Graham Boulevard (Reginald J. P. Dawson Library)

They can also be taken to the Côte-des-Neiges Écocentre located at 6925 Côte-des-Neiges Road or Saint-Laurent Écocentre located at 3535 Sartelon Street.

Compost Distribution and Shredding Service

Compost distribution and shredding services are available twice a year, free of charge, at Public Works, 180 Clyde Road.

For compost distribution, you must bring your own containers and the equipment needed to fill them. Limit one visit per dwelling unit and Proof of residence required (e.g. driver's license).

Encouraging results

Residual waste management

Year in, year out, Mount Royal ranks high in the waste management reports published by the Urban Agglomeration of Montreal.

Consult an overview of organic matter and wood collections


Visit Recyc-Québec to read more on the subject

The reference for responsible household waste disposal in Quebec.

Get informed