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Summer’s happening… in TMR!

Open to young people from 4 to 14, the Town of Mount Royal Day Camp is a sure bet for having a fantastic summer… a stone’s throw from home!

Led by a team of qualified and dedicated counsellors, Day Camp features a varied program of theme activities, including outings and specialized camps.

Back for the summer of 2024!


Registration starts on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, at 9:00!


The town offers several camps. Discover them here!

June 25, 2024 to August 16, 2024

Registrations start on March 26 at 9:00!

Themes and Activities - Monthly Calendar

Specialized camps

The town offers several specialized camps. Discover them here!

To view all the details, consult this document.

Support service for children with special needs

Town of Mount Royal is pleased to announce that children with a physical or intellectual disability can take part in Day Camp activities.

To ensure your child’s specific needs are met, please contact us by telephone at 514 734-3027 or by email.

Send an email

Refund policy and other useful information

Refund policy

Day Camp and specialized camps (including day care service and outings)

To obtain a refund of 85% of the amount paid, your refund request must be received at least one week (seven calendar days) before the start of the selected camp.

Refund requests received after the deadline will be refused.

Other useful information

  • Food contains or may contain peanuts or other nuts may not be brought to camp.
  • The Town does not tolerate any form of intimidation or discrimination. Measures will be taken to prevent incidents and consequences, depending on the nature and frequency of the incidents, may range from removal from the group to expulsion from camp.
  • The medical form has been revised, please ensure that all necessary information is included. If in doubt, we encourage you to contact us immediately.
  • Parents will have minimal access to the interior of the building or external sites. The Town will respect all sanitary measures in place.

Learn more

My town, my parks

Enjoy the outdoor fun!

Consult the parks list