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Opening Comments by Mayor Peter J. Malouf - Regular Meeting of Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Opening Comments by Mayor Peter J. Malouf - Regular Meeting of Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Here is Mayor Peter J. Malouf's opening comments at the June 18, 2024, regular meeting of the Town Council. It has been adapted for the Web.

Note: The full recording of the meeting is available on the Town's Youtube Channel.

Good evening everyone,

Welcome to this council meeting on a warm summer's evening. Thank you for joining us.

Heat wave

Considering the heat wave that we are experiencing, please note that the pool, water games and library will have extended hours until 22:00 today and tomorrow, June 19. The recreation centre will be open until 23:00 as usual. I also urge everyone to check in on elderly family and friends to make sure that they are well.

New Traffic pattern

Years ago, prior to GPS, TMR was a maze for motorists, who claimed that getting through TMR was impossible, and since the advent of GPS technology, streets and alleys have become exposed as shortcuts for impatient intermunicipal traffic.

You've probably noticed that for the past 10 days or so, we've been putting up temporary obstacles in the form of flower pots at the Laird/Caledonia and Graham/Lazard intersections.

This pilot project will, we hope, address this issue. There is no doubt that for some this means a slight detour in coming from or getting to their home, but a 1 or 2 minute longer drive is minimal if the overall benefits are positive. As the traffic will now be distributed differently and on various streets, we have also added speed humps on many streets.

Please note that speed reduction and increased safety are not achieved by adding stop signs. We ask for your understanding and patience during this pilot project.

Bates Park (Jardin Royal)

Unfortunately, Hydro has not come to do the required electrical connections in the park. As we do not wish to keep the park closed and not have residents enjoy this new green space, the temporary fencing will be removed this week and signage installed advising that the park is not lit and therefore is only open until sundown.


I'm happy to announce to pickleball fans that we've heard you and, as of yesterday, the rubber tennis courts at Mohawk include pickleball lines. Our reservation system has been modified and online reservations are now possible. Good game!

Sports and Community Centre

We are in the tendering process for the sports and community centre for the qualification of the future builder. Tender period closes in early July. We seem to have generated a lot of interest so are very pleased. It is good news as things are moving forward. Both loan by-laws related to the project, received approval by residents, we are now forwarding to the MAMH .

Blood drive

The blood drive held last Thursday was a success, with 89 donors. Not only did we exceed our target of 75, but we also surpassed the number of donors for each of the last 3 years. Thank you to everyone who participated.


Many people are already aware that the REM will be grinding its rails over the next few days. This work will take place at night and is required to make the rails smoother and to reduce any noise from passing trains. We have checked with REM representatives and have been informed that the work is to be carried out at night, so as not to interfere with traffic on the rails associated with work in the tunnel during the day. On a positive note, the information we received is that, in the sectors where this work has been completed, it went fast and no noise or inconvenience complaints were received.

Council and caucus meetings

In closing, I would like to come back on last month’s council meeting and the exchange which took place at the end of the meeting concerning the participation of certain council members at caucus and preparatory meetings.

There are regular and special council meetings, and all council members have the right to attend. It is at these meetings that decisions are taken. Therefore, the power of municipal council members is in fact only exercised at these meetings.

For council members to prepare for the meetings according to the Law the pertinent documentation needed for their decision making must be given at least 72 hours prior. The Town has chosen to go beyond this requirement and hold preparatory meetings. All council members are invited to these meetings, and it is the opportunity to ask questions on the files, on the agenda and to obtain an orientation on which way they will vote.

The Town has also gone beyond the preparatory meeting and holds caucus meetings. These are informal meetings, not provided in the Law. There is no legal right for any council member to attend and the meetings have no legal value.

Following this somewhat legalistic explanation, I would like to add that the 3 councilors excluded from caucus are nonetheless members of various committees and are invited to many meetings. They were all invited to the presentations and discussions on the new sports and community project and on the PPU Beaumont file. Just today, they were also invited to the presentation and discussions on the Town’s financial status for 2023 and the proposed use of the 2023 surplus. It is to be noted that Mme Decaluwe is still co-chair of the CCU and Mme Halde is a member of the demolition committee, pension commission and audit committee. I understand that they feel excluded, however it is clear that information concerning decision taking or having a large impact on the future of the Town at large is shared with them.

The functioning of the Quebec National Assembly cannot be compared to that of a Town and therefore saying that members of the opposition participate in the parliamentary commissions has no relevance. Parliamentary commissions are similar to our committees and clearly the 3 councilors in question are members of various committees. Caucus meetings would need to be compared to the Conseil des ministers and there are no members of the opposition invited to the Conseil des ministers. I hope to have clarified the situation for all.

Thank you for listening and being with us this evening. Have a nice summer, enjoy."