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News Commerce-Montreal Program: The New Renovation Grant for Commercial Buildings and Spaces

Commerce-Montreal Program: The New Renovation Grant for Commercial Buildings and Spaces

Do you own or rent a commercial space on Town of Mount Royal and would like to renovate your business? You can get financial support through the new Commerce-Montreal program.

The aims of the Commerce-Montreal Program are to:

  • Encourage the renovation of commercial spaces and properties
  • Stimulate the city’s economy by focusing on projects that support the social, circular and ecologically responsible economy

The subsidy covers 40 per cent of eligible work costs up to $50,000 per project. In addition, 75 per cent of costs for professional services related to the work are reimbursable, up to $10,000 per project. 

A total of $12 million will be available over three years to fund renovation projects on commercial properties and spaces, completed between 2024 and 2029 throughout the 19 boroughs and 15 suburban cities.

At a minimum, applicants must invest at least $40,000 per project in order to encourage projects that will have a substantive impact on a district.

Please visit the following link for more information about this program, including eligibility and selection criteria and the application process: Renovation grant for commercial buildings and spaces | Ville de Montréal (montreal.ca)

Please contact the program managers at the following email address for additional questions or information: commerce-montreal@montreal.ca 

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