Here is Mayor Peter J. Malouf's opening comments at the July 19, 2022, regular meeting of the Town Council. It has been adapted for the Web. Note: The full recording of the meeting is available on the Town' s Youtube channel.
"Good evening and welcome everyone to this July 19 meeting.
Since last month, I have been pleased to share my opening remarks for the Town Council meeting right here on the Town's website. A QR code is also now published in local newspapers providing quick access to video recordings of Town Council meetings.
My wish is to make the news of our municipality and the progress of ongoing files even more accessible. I am taking advantage of this forum to share accurate information with you and to give you the facts on the issues that concern the Town.
As we are in the summer period and meeting activity has been reduced my comments this evening will be more brief. Regarding the major issues that concern us and on which we are working, notwithstanding the summer period, I will give you a brief overview:
The REM construction site, with its major obstacles and impacts on our downtown area, is coming to an end. Only partial obstructions, related in particular to work inside the new station, are to be expected and, consequently, will have less impact on the daily lives of our residents.
The problems encountered in the tunnel have no impact on the work still to be done on our territory, except that the new trains will not be running for a while.
I would also like to mention that an official request was sent to the STM for the reactivation of the temporary shuttle to compensate for the late opening of the REM network. No response to this request has been received to date.
Paving work on the east side of the Cornwall Bridge is coming soon and will result in the complete closure of this bridge for approximately two days. During this period, the bridge at the intersection of Laird and Graham boulevards will revert to two-way traffic as it was during the work last year. This work is one of the final steps in completing the work of the REM in our municipality.
Please also note that the Hydro-Quebec pole located at the intersection of Cornwall Avenue and Canora Road was moved last Friday, thus increasing the safety of this pedestrian crossing.
As for the park slab, where the new Place de la Gare will be built, the project is progressing on our side and the construction work is scheduled for the spring and summer of 2023.
Notwithstanding the rumours and information circulating about the location of the new school, no official announcement can yet be made. We have had discussions with the Centre de service scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys (CSSMB) on several site options, however, certain legal aspects must be validated with the Ministry of Education by the CSSMB.
It should be noted that no site plan or proposal including the range of needs has yet been received from the CSSMB. Therefore, the file is unfortunately not yet complete and it is not possible at this time to make an informed decision and formal announcement.
Once again, we have no announcement to make.
We are evaluating and looking at different options. It is a complex file with several players and before being able to put forward a proposal, council members need to evaluate and discuss the options and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
We are working with external consultants to help us identify the issues and options. Clearly the summer period has had an impact on the work related to this project; but we hope that members of council will be able to have discussions in August on the subject and that we will arrive at a consensus that we can put forward to the residents.
Our day camps have started and as usual, they are very popular. The children are in the parks, crossing the streets and often riding their bikes, so I encourage you to slow down and be careful on the streets.
For the young and possibly the not so young, I would like to inform you that the work on the new skateboard park is progressing very well. We should be able to officially open it at the beginning of August.
It is now open!
In conclusion, I would like to highlight the great success of our Summerfest which was finally back after an absence of 2 years. Despite a few drops of rain, it was obvious that residents were happy to go out and meet up with neighbors and friends. As usual, the fireworks were magnificent and were the highlight of the evening. I would like to thank the Recreation Department for organizing the event.
I wish you all a great summer, enjoy your vacation and the beautiful weather."
Peter J. Malouf