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Opening Comments by Mayor Peter J. Malouf - Regular Meeting of Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Opening Comments by Mayor Peter J. Malouf - Regular Meeting of Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Here is Mayor Peter J. Malouf's opening comments at the December 13, 2022, regular meeting of the Town Council. It has been adapted for the Web. Note: The full recording of the meeting is available on the Town' s Youtube channel.

"Good evening everyone. The year has gone by fast, and we are at the last regular council meeting of 2022. Thank you for joining us tonight.


We have been spending much time in budget meetings recently and despite many difficult decisions and large increases from the Agglomération de Montréal (7.4%) and the increase of goods and services, we have prepared a budget prioritising road safety, improving communications, preserving our urban forest, revitalizing the Town center, and encouraging sustainable development, among other preoccupations.


Regarding the Three Year Capital Program (PTI), several major projects are planned, including the kick off of the Quartier sportif et communautaire project, the continuation of the development of the park located on Bates Avenue, the improvement of the dog run at Mohawk Park, the replacement of the rubber surfaces of the tennis courts,work on streets, sidewalks, sewers and watermains and the purchase of heavy vehicles and computer equipment. 


Last week we celebrated together the Town’s 110th anniversary with the tree lighting event and the Santa bus for the kids. Unfortunately, due to weather, the initial date of Saturday needed to be moved; we nonetheless had a great turn out on Dec 8. It was a joy to see so many children with smiling faces. The fireworks were magical, and it was a first for TMR to hold winter fireworks.


Regarding the Quartier sportif et communautaire, we have continued to work on the project and have had many discussions in caucus. We have finally come up with a project that meets public expectations and with which council members are satisfied. We look forward to presenting this vision to you and hearing your feedback. A session to discuss the vision is scheduled on the evenings of February 1 and 2. The sessions will be held in person, but will also be broadcast live and residents will be able to submit questions via chat during the evening. Subsequently, the meetings may be viewed again on our website.


In closing, I would like to wish you all happy holidays and a year 2023 filled with joy, health and happiness. I thank you for your support during this first year of our mandate and on behalf of Council members and myself, I wish to reiterate our commitment to represent the interests of the Town at all levels and to put in place the actions required to complete the projects that are important to our community and that will benefit all residents.

Thank you for joining us this evening. Enjoy the meeting."