The project is finally moving forward!
Following public consultation and analysis of the results, Council decided to go ahead with the construction of a new, modern and safe Community and Sports Centre (CSC). It will meet residents' needs for the promotion and practice of a wide range of physical, cultural and community activities.
The guiding principles behind the elected officials' vision and decision are:
Mayor Peter J. Malouf had this to say about the future CSC at the opening of the May 16, 2023 regular Council meeting:
"I am pleased to announce tonight that we are taking the first concrete steps towards the realization of this long-awaited infrastructure for our residents. My colleagues at Council and I have been discussing the various options and possibilities for many weeks. We are convinced that the second version (v2) presented during the consultation evenings will best meet the needs and expectations of the residents by being executed in a design-build mode.
Therefore, this evening we mandate the administration to take the required actions to carry out the project. In addition, we approve the bid weighting and evaluating system to launch a call for tenders in a design-build.
So good news! Community and Sports Centre file is progressing and taking shape."
To find out more about the Community and Sports Centre, please consult our Frequently asked questions, as well as the Quartier Sportif & Communautaire web page.
N.B. The following names, Community and Sports Centre (CSC) and Recreation Centre, refer to the same future building.