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News Increase Of Takeoffs to the East in December 2023 Because of Northeasterly Winds

Increase Of Takeoffs to the East in December 2023 Because of Northeasterly Winds

For safety reasons, aircraft take off and land into the wind. When southwesterly winds are present, usually approximately 70% of the time, aircraft take off towards Lac Saint-Louis and overfly Montreal on final approach for landing and in northeasterly winds, they take off to the east, towards Montreal.

In December 2023, the increased frequency of northeasterly winds generated an increase of takeoffs towards the east. 

In northeasterly winds, NAV Canada favours the South Runway for takeoffs and the North Runway for landings. After takeoff, jets climb on the runway’s heading until they reach an altitude of 3,000 feet before turning towards their destination. Jets do not reach 3,000 feet at the same point because the type of aircraft, load and weather conditions can affect the rate of climb. Turboprop and piston (propeller) aircraft initiate a turn as soon as possible following takeoff.

Read the ADM newsletter now for more details and a map of runway use statistics for December 2023. 


Source : ADM
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