Since June 5, 2024, Éco Entreprises Québec has been in charge of managing recycling collection (blue bin) for all municipalities, including TMR. Collection is now mechanized on most streets, which means some changes in the procedure for ensuring that your blue bin will be picked up.
Blue recycling bins are no longer collected directly by employees, but by the mechanized arms of trucks specifically designed for the task. Certain guidelines and criteria must be met for collection to be possible. Otherwise, your bins will not be picked up, and an orange door hanger will be left at your house explaining why your blue bin could not be collected. Please see below for the most common mistakes to avoid during collection periods.
Your blue recycling bin could not be collected for one of the following reasons:
*Always place the wheeled bin in the driveway at a distance of 15 cm to 30 cm from the kerb.
**The front of the bin must face the street. Keep at least 30 cm of clearance around the bin.
N.B: All recycling must be inside the bin. Recyclables left on the ground will not be picked up.