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Calendar Invitation - Public Information Evening Following Recent Torrential Rainfall

Invitation - Public Information Evening Following Recent Torrential Rainfall

Event details
September 19, 2024 19:00 - 22:00 Schofield Hall, at Town Hall (90 Roosevelt Avenue)

The recent heavy rains in our region have unfortunately affected many homes in our community. We invite you to attend a public information evening on September 19 at Town Hall, to learn more about the actions taken by the Town and to benefit from experts' advice on protecting your homes.

Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024
Time: 19:00 to 22:00
Place: Schofield Hall, Town Hall, 90 avenue Roosevelt.

Room capacity

For safety reasons, the maximum capacity of Schofield Hall is limited to 450 people. We therefore encourage you to arrive early to ensure a seat. For those unable to attend in person, the evening will be webcast live. You can follow it by logging on to the “News” section of the Town's website. A replay of the evening will also be available on the Town's YouTube channel.

Child care for parents

To make it easier for parents with young children to take part, a childcare service will be available on site. Places are limited to 110 children, so reservations must be made no later than 18:00 on Monday, September 16, with the Recreation Department at: Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Topics for the evening

  • Sewer system status and issues;
  • Presentation and update of the Town's action plan;
  • Summary of the study report commissioned by the Town;
  • Presentation of best practices to protect your home from water damage;
  • Discussion and questions;
  • End of the evening.

 We hope to see many of you at this important evening for our community.

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